M has organised a bottle coop so we can bottle our vanilla essence that we made (from the Vanilla Essence coop) should we want to give that as Christmas Gifts. It's funny because I do look forward to Christmas but at the moment I'm looking beyond/through Christmas rather than at it, if that makes sense... only 10 weeks (or so) now until we meet our new Bub!
My Nanna has been here which the kids have loved - Jake just said to me he wished she didn't have to go home/stay at other people's places/could stay for 12 days... Brooke is enjoying having a fellow crossword/word search doer (I like them but don't often do them) and Zeke likes having someone hear his stories and chatter.
Oh and could I forget lol we (Nanna and I) went to the Andre Rieu concert on the weekend - it was Nanna's present from her kids (my Uncles and Aunties) and I was lucky enough to be chaperone. It was better than I anticipated it would be and I'll post one just on that later on. Worth going to if you get the chance, and definately not for just those into classical - rather those who like to be entertained and see some amazing talent. So thanks Mum for my ticket!
Floor - the floor was meant to go down today however the guy turned up took one look and said that aint gonna be done by today, tomorrow if you're lucky and it's looking like Wed now because the patched areas of the concrete won't be dry enough to glue the vinyl boards to... not to worry... eventually. Wed night Nanna is back here from my Aunty and Uncle's place and Nanna wants to see 'Australia' the movie so I'm taking her to that. Grid solar goes in on Thursday and Birth Centre appt on Friday. Then Sat is Jake's Party! This week will no doubt fly by and then I'll be 31 weeks! Here's what the Little One is up to this week...
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