Monday, September 01, 2008

Making Mummy Wonder...

This Baby seems content to make this pregnancy all his/her own - adding little bits here and there that I've never had before and of course you wonder if it's just an individual pregnancy thing or something else Anyway...

Wed/Thur/Fri were really busy, Saturday was FLAT out. I managed a Nanna nap on all the days except Sat and it showed. Headache began Sat night, so I had my salty tomato etc and water, which helped as little, plus bed early. Headache through the night so slept on and off, and headache all of Sunday - did nearly nothing Sunday except sleep, eat and wander a little. Headache almost gone this morning, although a half headcold. I've done close to nothing all day today as well to rest up. That's the background in case it's relevant.

What's Got me Wondering:
Well this morning I got that sensation like someone is pulling a 'sharp thread' from your ahem up the front of your belly. That's ok, kinda that that before. But then this afternoon (after honestly not doing much all day) my pelvic bones from inside my hips all the way down feel like someone is pulling them apart from each other and this is more noticeable when I walk/stand etc, fine when sitting. Also a little across my back. No BH or Ctx or anything but a very 'full' feeling in the belly all morning, sort of tight but not really... no ctx or BH just an overal general continual 'tightness' in the belly...this has subsided and followed by the pelvis thing. Never had this before, ever so it's kinda spun me a little.

Bub still wiggling around in there which is lovely - I just wonder why this thing and what it means iykwim.
It's not so painful that I'm in tears but it's not that nice and I wondered if anyone had any ideas what it is/experience to share?
Am booked in to see Doc tomorrow and planning to not go to work if it's still there (nightfill). It just appeared out of nowhere so hopefully disappears just as quick. Am doing nada this arvo apart from picking DH up in the car, then nada tonight as well... am reluctant to even sneeze or go for a pee! So we will see what tomorrow holds...

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