Thursday, December 13, 2012

Birthday Biscuit Mix in a Jar

I've seen (better) versions of these on blogs for a while, especially around Christmas.  I really liked the idea, I just couldn't commit myself to doing 2-3 dozen of them as Christmas gifts.  Yet I still wanted to make one for someone I thought might like it... So, I decided to do one as a birthday gift idea for Zeke's friend turning 8.  He likes cooking and his Mum said chocolate was okay, so that was that sorted and the idea was ready to rock.

First step: re-wrote out the ingredients so that I would omit the wet stuff, and so that the dry stuff would be in contrasting layers, somewhat.  Also that the bicarb and baking powder, wouldn't be a 'lump' at the bottom or top (and in some order so I wouldn't forget an ingredient).  Printed out the label for the front, and the 'how to' for the back. The recipe used is this recipe that I've used before, and really liked.

wholemeal flour in first, then the choc chips

I realise now that between adding each ingredient, I have to check for 'flour dust' on the inside so it doesn't impair the view of the layers.  Note to self: next time.

finished, with serviettes packing at the top to minimise ingredient movement.

And attach your labels

front label
back label

and you're done.  I hope the recipient likes his gift.  Happy Birthday to William!

EDIT: It was Bakerella's 'Cowgirl Cookies' in a jar that originally got me started.  Everyone else has very colourful jars but bearing in mind artificial colours/flavours etc, I am happy for mine to be a more 'nuetrals' tone :)  So some more useful links for mix-in-a-jar type gifts are:
Cathode (via EB thread)
Stephanie Hua


Dani said...

Very cool. I love the whole concept of food in a jar :)

Lola Jones said...

What a fantastic idea
Love the front label too!!!

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