Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Playgroup Cake and Gingerbread for Market Day

Making gingerbread for Market Day - the first part...


and a quick pic of a simple cake. The mini-cake bunting is just the bought bunting used in the flags/bunting for Quinn's birthday party, cut down to size and some other card colours added, with two skewars and some craft/card tape to drape it on the 'poles'.

This cake was for Quinn's Birthday Celebration at (Steiner) Playgroup. I was planning an 'all-fruit-cake' but the Playgroup leader said any kind of cake is fine + the children will have just had fruit so a small piece of cake for them and some for the parents would be okay.

oh and the bunting/flags from Quinn's Birthday cake on the weekend (not today's playgroup cake), I had hanging here in the hall doorway mostly until I worked out what to do with the it. It's now hung in the doorway of the boy's room. Might leave it there for a bit... :)

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