Wednesday, June 09, 2010

our awesome f&v shop

The other day at our awesome f&v shop, I got a tomato box full of bananas, 3 zucc, 3 cucumber, 2kg apples red, half a doz green apples, 2 mushrooms, 1kg pears, half a doz or so truss tomato, 3 bags of mandarines and I can't remember what else, for $26. Pretty happy with that. The time before, our weekly f&v cost $11... I baked triple the recipe of banana muffins, the kids have eaten one a day (have to 'per day' them otherwise there would be none left in a couple of days), Q has had his one a day and then some, and still I have half a box so it's time for more baking...
There's nothing wrong with them just spotty on the outside. Since we don't eat the skin, meh, it doesn't bother me.

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